

Read Me: The 4 Official Categories of Japanese Ice Cream and Sorbets

Hi everyone who want to go or is going to Japan,

Do you like ice cream and sorbets? Do you have any specific brand which you love in your country? I guess you do, and I also do!! There are many types of ice cream and sorbets, and several brands which I love though... Today in Japan, there is a lot of ice cream and sorbets from many brands as you can see the image on the top. Most Japanese (I never ever seen people who don't care for ice cream and sorbets in my life though...) like ice cream and sorbets, and we have them in all seasons, even in winter!! Ice cream and sorbets in Japan has 4 big categories and all of ice are classified in terms of the categories. I don't know if your country has slimier one or not. If you know that in some county else, I hope you tell me that. I would love to know that!! Anyway, Let me show the categories to you, and you must enjoy having ice cream and sorbets in Japan much more to understand them and check them on a package of ice cream and sorbets.
The Table of Category of Ice cream and Sorbet in Japan
All of ice cream and sorbets in Japan has any of the followings on its package.
  • Ice Cream (in Japanese "アイスクリーム"): Rich milk taste because of much milk solid and milkfat. No allowed to use vegetable oil. 
    Milk solid 22% (9%+13%) and Milkfat "乳脂肪分" 13%
  • Ice Milk (in Japanese "アイスミルク"): Good milk taste. Enough rich and lighter than "Ice cream".
    Milk solid 13.5% (8.2%+5.3%) and Milkfat "乳脂肪分" 5.3% 
  • Lacto Ice (in Japanese "ラクトアイス"): The word is Japanese English. Light milk taste. Lighter than "Ice milk".
    Milk solid 6.5% (3%+3.5%) and Milkfat "乳脂肪分" 3.5% 
  • Ice Sorbet (in Japanese "氷菓 <Hyoka>): Ice cream with low milk-fat (under 3%), or ice sorbet with frozen fruits juice or flavored with something such as coke or some soft drink.
They are summarized as follow.
You want to have rich taste: Ice cream "アイスクリーム" or Ice milk "アイスミルク".
You want to have light taste or freshen your mouth: Lacto ice "ラクトアイス" or Ice sorbet "氷菓".

The followings are my suggestion how to choose ice cream or sorbet you want.
You don't feel hot so much, you are at home with some drink in early spring/late autumn/winter : Ice cream "アイスクリーム" or Ice milk "アイスミルク".
You feel hot inside home or outside, you feel thirsty: Lacto ice "ラクトアイス" or Ice sorbet "氷菓".
Those are just my suggestion, and the best way is to you enjoy finding out and having ice cream or sorbets what you love in Japan!! 
I will post some popular ice cream and sorbets in Japan for your reference. If they help you to find out your favorite ice cream or sorbet, I will be glad so much!! You can buy them at convenience stores or supermarkets and have it anywhere, but somewhere you are forbidden. Then just keep in mind: Don't litter, and you must throw away trash in a garbage can. 
Enjoy your trip in Japan! And see you in the next article of the blog!! 
"The ordinary for Japanese" must work to spice up your trip! 

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