

The Most Famous and Popular Japanese Chinese Restaurant Chain "Gyoza no Ohsho 「餃子の王将」"

Hi everyone who want to go or is going to Japan, 

The theme of an article at this time is the most famous and popular Japanese Chinese restaurant chain "Gyoza no Ohsho 「餃子の王将」"
Actually, most of Japanese love Japanese Chinese foods, and there are plenty of Japanese Chinese restaurants in Japan; To be honest, I have never seen not good Japanese Chinese restaurants before in Japan, and I'm positive that "Gyoza no Ohsho" is the most famous Japanese Chinese restaurant in the category. There are 736 restaurants in Japan (No restaurant in Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata, Fukushima, Shimane, Miyazaki, Kagoshima and Okinawa prefecture, unfortunately), and this huge number of restaurants reflects the population and famousness of "Gyoza no Ohsho". Moreover, The price of dishes is reasonable. 
By the way, Do you know why I'm saying "Japanese Chinese", not just "Chinese"? It is because the category of dishes are not the same as ones in China. Those dishes are cooked to be more suitable for taste Japanese have. In addition to that, there are some original dishes of Japanese Chinese food. Then, you can have those original foods at a "Gyoza no Ohsho" restaurant in Japan.

Let me show you some main dishes at the restaurant. First of all, It is a Gyoza (dumpling). This is pan fried dumpling. I guess that original Chinese dumpling would be steamed or boiled, but pan-fried dumpling is the most popular in Japan. people have it with some flavours of sauce such as Japanese soy sauce, vinegar and chili oil, or vinegar and white pepper.

Soy sauce, Vinegar and Chili oil

Vinegar and White pepper
Secondly, It is Cha-han "炒飯" (fried rice). I guess that fried rice is popular in China, and Japanese also love fried rice.

Then next, It is Tenshin-han "天津飯". It is like Fu Rong Xie (fried crab meat and egg white) on top of rice with sticky sauce (salt-based, sweet and sour-based or say sauce and dashi-based). Unfortunately, I guess that real crab meat is not used for the dish. Anyway, The dish is awesome, too!! 

Finally, It is Tori no Karaage "鶏の唐揚げ"(fried chiken). This is boneless fried chicken marinated the original sauce that the company made. So you can enjoy eating it without any condiment. Or you can ask a staff to have mayonnaise or salt and pepper for it. Please take care of not burning your tongue by meat juice when you bite into it.  

There are many more great dishes at "Gyozan no Osho". If you want to know them, you can go to the restaurant web site below:

I understand that you guys want to have like Sushi, Tempra or Sukiyaki, but they are foods that Japanese love indeed. So you must get good experience in Japan through it!

Enjoy your trip in Japan! And see you in the next article of the blog!! 
"The ordinary for Japanese" must work to spice up your trip!

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